ראשי » סמינר » כנס אונקוטסט ספטמבר 2022 כנס אונקוטסט ספטמבר 2022 תוכן הסמינר Tailorx primary results endocrine therapy alone was not inferior to | Christy A. Russell, MD Oncotype DX Breast Recurrence Score Assay after TAILORx and RxPONDER: What’s Next? | Christy A. Russell, MD Surgical Management of the axilla in the era of RxPONDER and MonarchE | Stephen F. Sener, MD FACS FSSO Recurrence Score results, clinicopathologic characteristics, treatments, and outcomes in primary vs subsequent breast cancer: Exploratoryanalysis of the Clalit Health Services registry | Shlomit Strulov Shachar, MD Molecular Characterization via the 21-gene Breast Recurrence Score Assay of Patients with Pathogenic Variants in BRCA1/2 vs the General Breast Cancer Patient Population | Rinat Yerushalmi, MD Clinical outcomes in estrogen receptor positive breast cancer patients with Recurrence Score 26-30-guided therapy: Real-world data | Salomon M Stemmer, MD